Lecture 05 (Feb 6): Coding lab 1
Fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The class will combine lecture-like presentation of material and hands-on programming activities.
This class is relevant to all the future programming assignments and project 2, where you will have to implement an interactive prototype of your product concept.
Lecture Materials:
- Slides
- HTML experiment
- CSS experiment
- Javascript experiment
- ES6 experiment
- Coding Lab
- Coding Lab Solution, Try it here
Required preparation:
- Install Chrome browser (if you haven’t yet)
- Enable Developer Tools in Chrome
- Install some code editor (see the Coding resources page)
Required readings (post your written response before class):
- Javascript Basics
- ES 6 Features, read the following parts only
- arrows
- classes
- enhanced object literals
- template strings
- destructuring
- default + rest + spread
- let + const
- modules
Optional readings:
- JavaScript: The Good Parts (electronic version of this book is available through Harvard library); relevant parts include Ch 3 (through 3.4), Ch 4 (through 4.5), Ch 6 (through 6.5)
- JavaScript Guide from the Mozilla Developer Network