Course Timeline

The timeline is preliminary and will keep evolving.


Module 1: Fundamentals of the Design Process

1/23TDesign Thinking, Needfinding & Course LogisticsNO studio this week
1/25ThDesign Project 0
Attend the whole class or not at all
Due by 5PM: Hw1: Sharpen Your Eye + a Small Programming Problem
and Enrollment Survey
1/30TAffinity Diagramming (mandatory attendance)Due before class: observations for Hw 2
First studio Meeting this week
2/1ThCommunicating and Critiquing Design; TeamworkDue by 2/1 4PM: Hw 2: Project 1 – Needfinding
2/6TCoding Lab 1
2/8ThRapid prototyping and evaluationDue by 2/7 midnight: Hw 3: Project 1 – Product concept + an individual programming problem
From now on, all assignments are due on Wednesdays at midnight
2/13TCognitive walkthrough (mandatory attendance)
2/15ThAnatomy of a good pitchDue 2/14 midnight: Hw 4: Project 1 – UI design and test + a programming problem (Programming problem due on Friday at midnight)
2/20TCoding lab 2
2/22ThCreativity, part 1 (mandatory attendance)
We will spend the last 15 minutes creating teams for Project 2)
Due 2/21 midnight: Hw 5: Client Feedback & Product Pitch, pitch to external evaluators
2/27TBest Project 1 pitches,
Creativity part 2
3/1ThGuest Lecture by Zeerak & KarenDue 2/28 midnight: Hw 6: Project 2 – Initial project ideas
Due 3/2 at midnight: a small programming problem
3/6TGamification and motivation
3/8ThPersonas (in class activity, bring the data from your needfinding)Due 3/7 midnight: Hw 7: Project 2 – Needfinding
3/13TSpring break
3/15ThSpring break

Module 2: Important Concepts a Designer Should Know

3/20TPrinciples of Direct Manipulation
3/22ThHuman Visual PerceptionDue 3/21 midnight: HW8: Project 2 Product Concepts
3/27THuman motor performance
3/29ThIntelligent Interactive SystemsDue 3/28 midnight: HW9: Project 2 UI Design, Feedback and Pitches
In studio: Pitches to external evaluators
4/3TGuest lecture by Kate Margolese from Perkins School for the Blind
4/5ThDesign and Ethics 1Due 4/4 midnight: HW10: Project 2 Skeleton and Draft of Visual Design
In studio: hackathon
4/10TDesign and Ethics 2
4/12ThBest pitches from Project 2 and a guest lecture by Jannis BreaDue 4/11 midnight: HW11: Project 2 Functionality
In studio: more code and feedback from another TF
4/17TGuest lecture by Megan Quintero
4/19ThAesthetics in SoftwareDue 4/18 midnight: HW12: Project 2 Ready for Testing
In studio: demos and user test plans
4/24TWhat's Hot in Human-Computer Interaction ResearchDue 4/25 midnight: HW13: Project 2 Usability Evaluation
No studio
5/1TFinal project presentationsDue 4/30 midnight: HW14: Final assignment
Due 5/4 midnight (fill out individually):
5/2 11am-2:30pmWPoster presentations and demos at the SEAS Design Fair