Hackathon at Perkins School for the Blind, April 13-14
If you are looking for an opportunity to use your design and coding superpowers for a good cause, please consider PerkinsHacks: Solving real problems for real people — April 13-14. Here are some examples of the specific challenges:
- A blind software developer wants to interpret data quickly, but what if it’s displayed visually in charts and graphs?
- Academics? No problem. For college students with visual impairment, a major challenge is the dining hall
- Screen reading technology is a powerful tool for professionals who are blind…except when it doesn’t work
- Completing personal medical forms shouldn’t involve the rest of the waiting room
- ‘Smart’ appliances can turn simple chores into impossible tasks for people with visual impairment
- Inaccessible treadmills and fitness trackers make workouts more challenging for athletes who are blind
In a few weeks, Kate Margolese, the Senior Director of Strategic Programs at Perkins School for the Blind will give a lecture in CS 179 on the design of technologies for people with vision impairments. Participation in this hackathon will be a very good complement to your classroom experience.
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